Design to Improve Life is a designation and a domain of design created and developed in Denmark – with the world and for the world. With its humane focus, Design to Improve Life is a direct outgrowth of Danish design traditions developed between the 1930s and 1950s, with an interest in empowering people by creating surroundings that answered their needs and wishes.
Today, many Danish companies and design agencies focus their work on Design to Improve Life, building on the Danish design tradition. In this section we offer an inspirational glimpse into some of the best Danish examples of Design to Improve Life. (link here)
The INDEX:Award is the biggest design award in the world, with a total award sum of 500,000 euros, but this grand figure financed by the state of Denmark isn't the only aspect distinguishing the INDEX:Award from most other design Awards.
The INDEX:Award is also the main driver of INDEX:'s mission to generate more Design to Improve Life of higher quality all over the world. The award receives nominations from China to the United States, from Finland to South Africa, from Singapore to Jordan – and from these nominations, the outstanding INDEX: international jury selects the best as finalists, and the very best as winners of the biennial award.
Each of the five winners represents one of the INDEX:Award categories – Body, Home, Work, Play and Community – that together span the spectrum of human activity and are relevant and understandable to people all over the world. (link here)
Today, many Danish companies and design agencies focus their work on Design to Improve Life, building on the Danish design tradition. In this section we offer an inspirational glimpse into some of the best Danish examples of Design to Improve Life. (link here)
The INDEX:Award is the biggest design award in the world, with a total award sum of 500,000 euros, but this grand figure financed by the state of Denmark isn't the only aspect distinguishing the INDEX:Award from most other design Awards.
The INDEX:Award is also the main driver of INDEX:'s mission to generate more Design to Improve Life of higher quality all over the world. The award receives nominations from China to the United States, from Finland to South Africa, from Singapore to Jordan – and from these nominations, the outstanding INDEX: international jury selects the best as finalists, and the very best as winners of the biennial award.
Each of the five winners represents one of the INDEX:Award categories – Body, Home, Work, Play and Community – that together span the spectrum of human activity and are relevant and understandable to people all over the world. (link here)